Curriculum – Overview
If you would like more information about the curriculum, please contact the office and your request will be forwarded to a member of our teaching staff.
Curriculum provision, content and approach
At St Anne’s CE Lydgate, we provide a creative and inclusive curriculum which is hands-on, exciting and relevant to the children`s context and interests. To help us achieve this, we involve the children when choosing topics and then introduce the theme with an exciting ‘hook for learning.’ Wherever possible, we make effective use of our local area to enrich learning and provide a real link with the world beyond our school; thus also instilling a sense of pride and belonging within our children.
Provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage allows for continuous provision both indoor and outdoor and the environment is designed to stimulate and support purposeful child initiated play to maximise learning opportunities. These opportunities are continuously developed and enhanced by the highly skilled staff who assess progress and determine next steps in learning for each individual through observation and discussion.
At St Anne’s Lydgate we cherish the broadening horizons and growing skill sets that reading and writing can bring. Reading is embedded across our whole curriculum bringing a richness to the way in which our children learn, seek new knowledge and develop as readers, writers and orators.
Our children benefit from ‘real’ and wholesome reading and writing activities where they can promote themselves as advocates of change; seeing a tangible outcome. We pride ourselves as a ‘community of change and evolution’- regularly taking part in whole school writing weeks and class work where our reading and writing is based on real events around the world.
Our world is ever evolving and the nature and speed of technological advances require that we prepare our children for life in the 21st Century. We feel that it is crucial to enable our children to access reading material using technology and to word process their writing. We fully acknowledge that children of today are equal part “consumer” and “creator” valuing the symbiotic nature of paper, pen, pencil and technology. They are increasingly aware of the world around them and digital literacy enables a fulfilment of this curiosity. It’s true to say that children have increasing levels of e-competence and want to connect with others in real time on their own terms. They collaborate amazingly well; enjoying teamwork and figuring things out with their peers.
Simply put, the teaching and exploration of reading, writing and the spoken word at St Anne’s CE Lydgate, empowers our children with the skills and knowledge to not only flourish and reach their potential but to go forward and be the change that the world needs.
Our curriculum is sequenced so that closely aligned units are taught simultaneously, helping the children to build strong mental models so that they can remember more. Each foundation unit has a child-friendly knowledge organiser that enables the children to retrieve key information and vocabulary.
At St Anne’s CE Lydgate Primary school, we follow the Read Write Inc. program of phonics.
Read Write Inc aims to build children’s speaking and listening skills in their own right as well as to prepare children for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. It sets out a detailed and systematic programme for teaching phonic skills for children starting by the age of five, with the aim of them becoming fluent readers by age seven.
There are six overlapping phases.
The link below will take you to the RWI website for more information.
Our English curriculum aims to develop children’s skills in reading, writing and speaking and listening in a robust and responsive way. It also aims to develop a love of reading, writing and language which will last our children a lifetime and enable them to fulfil their potential once they leave us and to prepare them for a successful life in an ever-changing world.
A love of reading is encouraged by an ever increasing range of provision such as:
- class reading areas
- weekly library slots for all classes and all children able to take a library book home
- whole school events and celebrations
- reading buddy schemes
- lunchtime story clubs
- competitions and class based rewards
- daily reading of a class story for pleasure
- use of audible in classes
Children are exposed to a wide range of high quality texts throughout the school. In Reception and KS1, this is enhanced by Talk Through Stories, further supporting and strengthening the RWInc scheme.. These books are read to the children daily, so that they become familiar and the language and the vocabulary begins to be embedded in the children’s own language patterns. These texts may also form the basis of play based activities in Reception to allow children to use the language patterns in their play. In addition, the list includes a range of nursery rhymes and poems to ensure that children experience a range of these in their time at St Anne’s CE Lydgate.
In KS2, the texts children are exposed to are of a high standard and often have cross curricular links. This forms the basis of their writing by providing hooks into writing using the language from the high quality texts to improve their written work. Children are immersed into the texts through activities such as role play, real life experiences and art, encouraging a greater depth of understanding and engagement in the texts. Pupils in KS2 also access Oxford Reading Buddy. This ensures that all our children are exposed to age-appropriate challenge and language development.
Reading Schemes:
It is important for children to access texts that are appropriate for their ability in reading to enable them to apply the skills taught in phonics as well as other reading skills. Books for individual and guided reading are banded. Phonically decodable books are also used and these are banded by phonic phase.
St Anne's CE Lydgate uses the Read Write Inc reading scheme in KS1. Children in KS2 have access to Oxford Reading Buddy to ensure that all pupils are reading a broad range of text type and genres. The use of this scheme allows close monitoring of how well pupils are engaging with texts, but also how well they are understanding texts.
Reading for meaning is embedded in our teaching of reading across the school. This is reinforced during all reading sessions where children are given time to discuss their thoughts about books in guided reading sessions for year 3-6. Starting from the initial understanding that all children bring to text, teachers facilitate discussion, provide modelling and use book talk to deepen understanding of what is read.
In EYFS and KS1 this discussion is verbal, as a part of the RWI scheme. KS2 record responses to questions about what they have read or complete activities related to the text in their guided reading books. This provides children the opportunity to write their ideas about what they have read and for the teachers to see a child’s understanding.
Lessons are planned so that a progression in the type of questions that children will answer are in line with the National Curriculum requirements for comprehension.
We use Literacy Shed’s VIPERS to support reading questioning prompts.
As a school we recognise that it is essential for all children to learn to read and we provide a range of interventions to ensure that no children are left behind. These include additional guided reading pre-reads, Inference Training, and 1:1 reading. Children from different classes ‘buddy up’ to read together: supporting one another. Some pupils are 'trained' to support reader fluency during these paired sessions, to ensure that the best outcomes are encouraged for all.
We aim to develop enthusiastic writers who can use their writing skills in a variety of contexts and for a range of purposes. This includes developing language and transcription skills but also we aim to ensure children feel ‘like a writer’ and have a purpose and flair for and with their writing- not just someone who can write.
Children with addition needs (SEND) are provided with additional ways of recording their writing ideas through the use of IT equipment which enables them to feel as accomplished a writer as other members of the class. This is in line with recommendations for outside agencies.
Children are taught spellings in an interactive way through a variety of activities. This is supported by the RWInc scheme in KS1. In KS2, children are taught spelling rules according to the programme from Spelling Shed and they receive discrete spelling sessions a week. The spellings are loaded onto the Spelling Shed website which enables the children to focus on them in an interactive way both at school and at home.
The spellings and rules being taught are displayed clearly in the classrooms and are referred to by adults and children at the point of writing and during shared writing sessions.
Feedback given by adults will included spellings and these will be corrected by the child using the resources in the classroom.
The teaching of handwriting skills starts in Reception where activities are provided to develop the gross and fine motor skills needed for handwriting.
Children are taught to write fully cursive script through regular handwriting sessions. Those who need support in developing their motor skills are identified for interventions such as Dough Disco and specific fine motor interventions. There are also intervention groups across year groups giving focused support with letter formation.
We use the RWI handwriting scheme across Key Stage 1 and fine handwriting practice in KS2. Cursive practice begins in Year 1. In Reception pupils learn to print letters in line with RWInc recommendations.
Our aim is to develop pupils’ curiosity about language and their capacity to observe and reflect, which will in turn enable them to develop more control and choice in their use of language. Sympathetic and varied teaching approaches provide stimulating, enjoyable, satisfying and appropriately challenging learning experiences for all pupils. Through the selection of suitably differentiated and well-developed tasks, it is intended that pupils, irrespective of their ability, will enjoy success and be motivated to further develop their individual potential.
Grammar is taught throughout the year groups during the teaching sequences for the different genres of writing. Once an aspect of grammar is taught it is then modelled through shared writing or in a WAGOLL before being included in the success criteria or writing toolkit for use in independent writing. Children may also be encouraged to spot grammar rules in their reading text or shared class texts used in lessons. This aids a fuller understanding of grammar rules for readers as writers.
We use to support the teaching and assessment of grammar and children are able to access this at home.
Teaching approaches:
All writing in St Anne’s CE Lydgate begins with reading. Whether a ‘special book’ or lesson focus text in EYFS and KS1 or various high level texts in KS2, the children are immersed in the language of quality text as a starting point for their own writing. This text then provides hooks, or purpose for writing as well as providing new vocabulary, language patterns or text structures which will be used in children’s own writing. The children are taught to write in a variety of genres both fiction and non-fiction.
In Reception, texts are shared and children are encouraged to act out the stories in the themed areas in the classroom and outdoor areas. In small group teacher led writing activities, children are encouraged to write short sentences linked to the shared story. These may be retelling the story or describing an aspect or character from the text.
In KS1 and 2 we approach writing though our Reading into Writing approach. This is a structured two/ three week cycle which includes:
Reading - an assortment of the text-style in focus (What a good one looks like - WAGOLL)
Features overview - deconstructing the text to identify key features which appear in the specific genre.
Modelled write - adult led - Q&A opportunities for pupils to see how the text will be constructed 'in real-life'.
Shared write - small groups working together to practise the writing structure
Independent writing - pupils write their own version of the genre/ text in focus, based upon the their understanding of the genre and its component parts.
Edit - pupils revisit the independent writing with the intention of improving the first draft.
Final write -following the editing process, pupils write a final draft for teacher assessment.
Speech and Language:
We recognise that communication skills are crucial to future success for our children and the development of excellent speaking skills underpins our curriculum in all areas at St Anne’s CE Lydgate. Vocabulary is explicitly taught through all subjects and is not just seen as something that belongs in an English lesson.
We understand that oracy skills are important because:
- it helps students formulate their ideas into clear thought,
- accurate use of speech, helps improve accuracy in written work, especially grammar,
- finally, and very importantly, confident speakers are confident people – so it builds confidence.
We encourage our pupils to speak clearly and confidently.
Ways in which we support this include:
- activities which are planned to encourage full and active participation by all children, irrespective of ability,
- children with specific speech and language and auditory problems will be identified and specialist help sought, where appropriate,
- school plays,
- presentations of learning for parents,
- class debates,
- weekly assembly,
- events within the community,
- school council,
- talk partners,
- book talk sessions,
- choral speaking events.
Philosophy for Children (P4C) sessions provide a platform for: developing children’s ability to speak clearly; children being able to vocalise their ideas and beliefs; children developing the skills to disagree appropriately and respond to one another in a highly efficient manner. To successfully facilitate P4C sessions, all staff at St Anne’s CE Lydgate are trained to L1 or 2 by SAPERE.
Several classes also participate in the annual Oldham Choral Speaking Festival.
Children organise and lead their own collective worship and present something they are passionate about or something that they have learnt in class.
Information about Phonics and Y1 Phonics Screening
At St Anne’s we follow the RWInc programme of study. Throughout Reception and Key Stage 1, children quickly work through the different phases, learning phoneme – grapheme correspondence. Children become effective, fluent readers and writers as a result.
What is the phonics screening check?
The national phonics screening test was introduced in 2012 for all Y1 pupils. It is a short, statutory assessment to confirm whether individual pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It aims to identify the children who need extra help so that they can be given support by school to improve their reading skills. Throughout Reception and Key Stage 1, children quickly work through the different phases, learning phoneme – grapheme correspondence. Children become effective, fluent readers and writers as a result. School, we already identify children and provide early intervention support, however we must comply with the statutory requirement.
Who is it for?
Year 1 pupils will take the phonics screening check in June each year.
How is the check structured?
It comprises a list of 40 words and non-words, which a child will read one-to-one with a teacher. Half the words cover phonic skills which are usually covered in Reception, and half the words are based on Year 1 phonics skills.
Is it stressful to test such young children?
The assessment will be age-appropriate, with children sitting with their teacher and reading one-to-one. It should be an enjoyable activity for children which takes no more than a few minutes.
Does a teacher have to carry out the screening check?
Yes, the class teacher will carry out the check with the pupils in our school.
Why have you included non-words in the screening check?
Non-words are an established assessment method in many schools, and are included in many phonics programmes. They are included because they will be new to all pupils, so there won’t be a bias to those with a good vocabulary knowledge or visual memory of words. Pupils who can read non-words should have the skills to decode almost any unfamiliar word.
How long does the check take?
Every child is different but in most cases the check should take less than 10 minutes per child.
How will the results from the phonics screening check be used?
Schools have to inform parents towards the end of the summer term in Year 1 of their child’s results. At St Anne’s the results form part of the end of year reporting.
What happens if a child struggles with the screening check?
The screening check will identify children who have phonic decoding skills below the level expected for the end of Year 1 and who therefore need extra help. Schools are expected to provide extra help and children will then be able to re-take the assessment in Year 2.
At St Anne’s parents will continue to be kept well informed of their child’s progress in all aspects of reading including phonic development.
How can I help my child?
At St Anne’s we often check phonic development within our approach to the assessment of reading. This screening forms part of our overall assessment procedure. However, there are a number of things that parents can do to support early reading skill development.
- Let your child see you enjoying reading yourself – they are influenced by you and what you value!
- Immerse your child in a love of reading: share books and magazines with your child, take them to the library to choose books, read to them regularly, point out texts around you e.g. in the street etc.
- Make time for your child to read school books to you regularly – encourage them by pointing to the words and ask them about the story they are reading.
- Help your child to practise reading key words and sounds when these are sent home.
- Communicate with your child’s teacher through their Home/School reading diary.
- Remember! We are here to help your child achieve their very best.
- Learning in maths provides real-life contexts and opportunities for children to try out ideas and solve problems through practical lessons, activities and games. There is a focus on providing a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach with children using concrete materials and pictures to reinforce their understanding of number sentences and equations.
- In each year group, children are taught a thorough understanding of basic skills, according to year group expectations, in order to ensure progression as they move through the school. There is also a strong focus on times tables with a target of all times tables (to x12) being known by the end of Year 4. A solid grasp of mental calculation strategies is essential to support the understanding of more formal written methods taught later.
- ICT is also an integral part of mathematics in school using Mathletics and T.T. Rockstars to support lesson objectives and the acquisition of basic skills.
- Children will also use Numicon to help them internalise key facts such as number bonds and develop their understanding of the four operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Please ask your class teacher for more information on Numicon, as it can be purchased to support your child’s learning. They will also learn important mathematical skills through the use of other technology, such as the Roamer Robot to help in lessons on shape, angles and positional language. Although there are regular Maths information evenings, please feel free to request a meeting should you feel it would be beneficial for you and your child.
Principles of Teaching and Learning in R.E.
RE is an integral part of the school’s Christian ethos, is reflected in our aims and Golden Values and is incorporated into the whole school curriculum. The major part of RE teaching and learning focuses on Christianity, in recognition of the foundation of the school. The introduction of Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam provides an awareness of other faiths
We use the Manchester Diocesan Scheme of Work for RE and the Oldham Syllabus for RE as reference.
The two strands of learning in RE are:
Knowledge and Understanding of:
Beliefs and Teachings;
Practices and Lifestyles;
Expression and Language.
- Class debates
- Daily Collective Worship
- Events within the community
- School Council
- Talk partners
- Book talk sessions
Disciplinary Knowledge
Disciplinary knowledge refers to how we know and understand what we learn, through the lens of the subject area. This is what we describe to the children as 'Being a Scientist', 'Being an Historian' and so on. See below our Progression in Diciplinary Knowledge.
Name | |
Art & Design Progression of Knowledge.docx | Download |
Computing Progression of Disciplinary Knowledge.docx | Download |
Design & Technology Progression of Disciplinary Knowledge.docx | Download |
Geography Progression of Skills and Disciplinary Knowledge (1).docx | Download |
History Progression of Disciplinary Knowledge.docx | Download |
MFL Progression of skills.docx | Download |
RE Progression of Disciplinary Knowledge.docx | Download |
Science Progression of Disciplinary Knowledge.docx | Download |
Music Development Plan 24-25
Impact Statments
Our subject leaders are given time throughout each academic year to monitor and refine their subjects across school. See below the impact of subject leadership in each subject area.
Name | |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Art.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Computing.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 English.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Geography.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 History.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Maths.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 MFL.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Music.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 PE.docx | Download |
Curriculum Impact Statement 2023-24 Science.docx | Download |
St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS
0161 770 7300