Please find our new Knowledge Organiser for Spring Two- we are so excited to be exploring
'High Above the Clouds!'
Feel Good Friday!
Happy Valentine's Day! :)
Feel Good Friday-Jan 24th
We are going to carry on with our bird watching next week (due to the storm) so I have asked the children to leave their binoculars in their trays so we can use them properly next week! We have created a class poem though all about owls! I am so proud the children were able to use rhyme.
Have a lovely weekend and stay safe xxx
Jan 23rd
Tomorrow is Bird Watch, our class has drawn “the owl” out of the hat! It was very exciting! We are looking forward to learning more about owls tomorrow, we have already been learning about Snowy Owls from the Arctic!
If your child has any bird books or binoculars then please bring them in to school as we will be going on a bird walk around the school grounds.
Please can you also collect small junk for us as we will be making our own boats next week and seeing if we can even make an ice breaker ship!
Thank you for all your support
A Marvellous Monday to cheer you up! :) Jan 20th
A Very Festive Friday! :) Happy Christmas!
22nd November- Feel Good Friday!
Autumn Two- EYFS- Local History Study
'We Remember!'
Let it SNOW!
19th November
A little time playing in the snow and working on our fine motor control!
18th November- Feel Good Friday!
8th November- Feel Good Friday!
A super busy and exciting week for us as a whole school!
18th October- Feel Good Friday!
What a lovely week we have had this week talking about our senses!
Our Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser- This Is Me!
What an amazing morning.....
I have been doing reading books and phonics assessments this morning and some children have literally blown me away!!!!
They have gone from knowing a tiny amount of sounds to knowing so many!
It shows that the videos, the repetition and the phonics work in school is starting to have an impact on their learning!
All children have come such a long way with their writing too!
Amazing work Reception!
Remember... practise makes perfect!
The more you practise and don't give up... the easier things will get!
I am super proud!
Mrs M
Set 1-
Please find attached our first Read Writing Inc Sway- Please find all of the videos for you to practise at home.
Every monday, we will let you know what 'gaps' your child has as we introduce new sounds and then we hope that you will watch them at home.
This worked SO well with last year's class and the progress they made was remarkable!
You will be shocked to hear that we have already introduced the following sounds- Please rewatch these videos over the next few days.
M, A, S, D, T, I, N, P, G, O, C, K
Please watch these videos and some of the blending games!
It only takes a few minutes!
Just click on the one you want to watch.
Thanks for your support
Mrs M x
11th October- Feel Good Friday
Happy friday!
Autumn sunshine and exploring our school grounds….
A lovely activity for “Mental Health and Wellbeing Day.”
We have now covered the sounds (in this order):
Please use the ‘sway videos’ to support your children with any ones they are finding a little trickier.
The videos are just over 5 minutes long but make a huge difference!
4th October- Happy Feel Good Friday!
I really hope you are all managing to get the photographs etc we are popping on here for you all!
Pre Writing Skills
To learn how to write doesn’t just mean we need to “write”….
We are practising our writing and our fine motor skills this morning by using pegs to sort the pom poms!
This will build our muscles up in our hands and is super fun too! :)
Calling Secret Readers!!!!
We want to ensure we promote a love for reading and a love of books with your children!
Last year we started having parents, grandparents, older siblings and even aunties and uncles coming into class to read a story to the children!
Some people brought different voices, some brought props but many just came and read to our class and they loved it!
It is so nice for them to see you enjoying stories and listening to a range of people.
The children are so excited and can’t wait to discover who the “secret reader” might be!
Some parents loved it that much that they did it more than once though out the year!
We have a display that we add to throughout the year with your photos and it really does help your children develop a love of reading.
You can do this any day, at 3pm.
Please just ask/arrange/book in with Mrs M and come to the entrance of school with a book of your choice!
Talk Through Stories
“The Lion Inside”
Last week we started “Talk Through Stories” and got to know the book above extremely well!
It is a fantastic book all about being brave and taking chances!
This week we are looking at some Tier Two vocabulary from the book and finding out what the words mean and how we can use them in a sentence!
Today we looked at the words “Sparkled” and “Mighty”
The other words we are finding out about this week from the story are:
The Lion Inside
Word 1: sparkled (sparkles, sparkling)
Word 2: mighty
Word 3: craggy
Word 4: meek (meekly)
Word 5: whimpered (whimpers, whimpering)
Word 6: ignored (ignore, ignores, ignoring)
Word 7: impressed (impress, impressing)
Word 8: slumbering (slumber, slumbered)
You do not need to do anything with these words but we just wanted you to be aware of them and what we are doing in class!
If you want to use them at home then that would be great too!
Eg “I am very IMPRESSED that you zipped your own coat up today!”
Talk through stories is extremely powerful and I am sure you will see your child’s vocabulary start to expand!
27th September- Feel Good Friday
Happy Friday! ☺️
Please can you watch the videos over the weekend for M,A,S,D,T,P,I,N and Fred Games for us!
20th September-
Happy weekend and happy ‘Feel Good Friday!’
Please enjoy looking through these!
Inside your child’s bookbag there should be a brown tag, please write on this your hopes and dreams for your little one, what you want for year and as they grow up! We have today asked your little ones what their hopes and dreams are and there are some tear jerkers!
Please return the tag on monday so we can use them for a ‘ hopes and dreams’ display!
Please also watch lots of Fred games this weekend and in particular the videos for M,A,S,D,T next week we will then be learning how to write these letters! Mrs M
Reception Meet The Teacher- Reading and Writing
17th September-
Our first Feel Good Friday!
Every Friday we share all of the photographs we have taken throughout the week in class
Obviously we have shared a lot already this week but here are a few more!
Have the best weekend with your little ones, you should be very proud of them all!
We hope you have felt the transition, from as far back as July, into our school has been a positive one for both you and your child and that you already feel a huge part of the St Anne’s family!
All the children will come home with a library book today.
They will choose their own from our school library and get to keep it for a week and return it on a Monday.
A lovely afternoon talking about our feelings…
We love windy days!
These two girls didn’t go to the same nursery…
Just what making new friends should be like….
My heart is full watching these new friendships develop!
Everyone is super happy and settled…
Today we have danced the afternoon away! :)
All is well! text...
Getting to know each other! text...
Happy Mother's Day to the special ladies in our lives! :)
World Book Day 2024
Feel Good Friday- 8/3/24
Feel Good Friday- 1/3/24
Happy Friday! :) Here is all of this weeks learning!
Feel Good Friday- 9/2/24
Feel Good Friday 2/2/24
A fun filled week for all the children this week. They have worked so hard with learning how to ride a balance bike in 'bikeability.'
Feel Good Friday 26/01/24
Please click on the link for this week's activities! :)
Marvellous Monday 22/01/24
We have enjoyed learning all about 'Our Wonderful World' in particular, we are focussing on how we can protect it and what it means to recycle.
We have been learning all about the Arctic, the Antarctic and the oceans.
Please click on the google link to see all of the photos from this week.
Our Wonderful World
Spring 1
This half term we will be learning all about the Arctic, Antarctic, oceans and all about how we can protect our planet and make it better.
We will be focusing on recycling and protecting animal's homes and that we can make a difference to our world!
The Final Feel Good Friday of 2023!
Reception has been craft, baking and party central this week!
We have really developed our art skills!
Happy Christmas to all! :)
Feel Good Friday 15/12/23
This week we have been learning all about the Nativity of our Lord.
We have focussed on developing our drawing skills and have also created our own Christingles.
Local History Church Visit
Our local history study has been linked to World War 1 and, in particular, two brothers who fought and died within a week of each other.
These brothers, the 'Clegg brothers,' attended St Anne's church, our church!
We have found out all about them and also how our church has changed throughout the years.
Feel Good Friday 18/11/23
We have loved our local history study and learning all about the local church of St Anne's and stained glass windows.
We have learnt about the Hindu festival of light- Diwali
Remembrance Day has been so wonderful to learn about and we can talk in detail about the different poppies and what they are for.
Feel Good Friday
What a busy week this week!
We have enjoyed learning all about traditions and the season of autumn. We have been visited by Rev Pat and also by an athlete!
Our writing and formation of letters is now greatly improving too! We are working so very hard!
African Drumming
What an amazing experience we have had! We have loved learning all about African drumming, creating and copying our own rhythms and beats and working alongside our year 6 buddies.
Feel Good Friday 13/10/23
This week we have created our own 'family collages.' We have loved looking at all of our class families! We have explored outside during Physical Friday and have spent time jumping in puddles and exploring the weather.
We have bathed the babies and are also continuing to develop our fine motor control by practising writing our name, mark making and also developing the skills we have learnt already by using different scissors to cut the playdough.
Feel Good Friday 6/10/23
We have had a lovely week.
We celebrated World Peace Day and talked about where our special places are where we feel 'at peace.'
Feel Good Friday 29/09/23
We have continued to learn about different families and have also looked at different types of houses.
Feel Good Friday 22/09/23
We have been learning all about different families and how our families are the same and different to others.
Feel Good Friday 15/09/23
We have had a fantastic first few weeks in our new classroom! We have made so many new friends!
Group B First Morning
Group B First Day
Group A First Day
WC 10th July - Our last Friday of the academic year, and I’m sure you’ll all agree when we say… where has the year gone?! This week has been so much fun, the children enjoyed an angling taster session with the angling society, took part in their first sports day at St Anne’s and had plenty of time exploring the areas. We continued learning about dinosaurs, in particular dinosaur fossils and who Mary Anning was!
WC 26th June - This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs! We learnt the names of different dinosaurs and we looked at if each dinosaur was a carnivore or a herbivore. In the areas, we carved dinosaurs out of ice, painted our own dinosaurs, made dinosaur skeletons with pasta and built bridges for dinosaurs to cross the Jurassic land. In Maths, we have been learning all about map reading. We created our own map of the local area around school and followed a map of school to find different clues.
WC 19th June - This week has been Humanities week, and we chose the country Iceland to learn about! We looked at glaciers, craters, volcanoes and waterfalls! We wrote our own sentences about volcanoes and drew photos of the Northern Lights using black card and oil pastels. Mrs Winterbottom even played the guitar for us as we learnt some songs related to Iceland!Enter text...
WC 5th June - We have had a brilliant week of learning! We started looking at our new topic, at the seaside, focusing on beach and sun safety. We learnt about the role of a life guard and what equipment they have. In Maths we have been learning all about doubling and the children have blown our socks off! We have been so impressed with the contributions in doubling discussions! Yesterday, we also had a very exciting afternoon, as we had our first tooth for the class pop out!
WC 15th May - What an exciting week we’ve had in Reception this week! On Monday our 5 chrysalises broke open and out popped our butterflies. The children have enjoyed watching the butterflies and feeding them sugar water, fruit and collecting flowers to pop sugar water on to for the butterflies to feed on. We’ve been working really hard on subtraction in Maths this week, it was very tricky but the children have all tried their best!
WC 9th May - This week we have been learning lots of new words through our class story, Click Clack Moo Cows That Type. We have been using words throughout the day from the story, such as demanded, furious, impatient etc. We then used this story as a stimuli for writing our own letters to Farmer Brown to tell him what we want to do when we visit his farm. In Maths, we have been learning how to add within 10.
WC 2nd May - This week, we have continued our learning all about life cycles and have watched our caterpillars all turn into chrysalises! We have also spent a large part of the week learning all about Kind Charles and the coronation that will take place this weekend.
WC 24th April - A fabulously busy week in Reception, once again! We have been keeping an eye on our caterpillars, that are much, much bigger this week, compared to last! In Maths, we have been exploring numbers larger than 10, by building, counting and comparing. We have been investigating the life cycle of a frog further this week and we learnt that a frog is an amphibian!
WC 17th April - This week, we have introduced our new topic for the half term, life cycles! The children have been very excited hunting for tadpoles and watching them grow. We also said hello, to our temporary guests... 5 little caterpillars. The children have been exploring in all the areas, making frogs with Play Doh, building frogs with Kinex and exploring the water area looking for frogs.
WC 27th March - We have had an extremely busy week this week, learning all about and celebrating Easter! We enjoyed role playing having a last supper and enjoyed an Easter service at church. We have also enjoyed lots of Easter themed arts and crafts, Maths and Phonics. This week, we also performed our assembly showcasing everything we learnt about how we can protect our planet.
WC 20th March - This week we have been learning all about how we can protect our planet. We looked at recycling, up-cycling, re-using, turning off the tap and light when we're not using them and cycling to school. We spent some time reviving our planter, ready to plant our Sunflower seeds outside and planted some carrot seeds too! In Art, we looked at shadows and how to draw shade in our pictures; it was very tricky be we tried our best to use our pencils to shade from dark to light.
WC 13th March - This week we have been learning all about 3D shapes and repeating patterns. We have been using our Fred fingers to write simple sentences in Phonics and working hard to remember our full stops.
St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS
0161 770 7300