St Anne's

Year 2

Curriculum Sways

Click on the links below to access our half-termly Curriculum Sway:


Autumn 1: Click here Autumn 2: Click here
Spring 1: Click here Spring 2: Click here
Summer 1: Coming Soon Summer 2: Coming Soon

Spring 2: Week 3

It was World Book Day this week! The children came to school dressed as the book character that there never was.  The children did an amazing job at writing the first chapter of their own books and designing the covers.We also had a visit from CO Safety to teach us all about Carbon Monoxide. In DT, we were practising our different grips for cutting with knives, bridge and claw. 

Spring 2: Week 2

We were all so, so proud of Year 2 who took part in the Oldham Rotary Choral Speaking Festival this week.  They performed two poems: Witch's Brew by Wes Magee and Tea with Aunty Mabel by Jeanne Willis.  The children had a great time and achieved a Distinction grade with lovely feedback! Well done!

Spring 2: Week 1

We've had a great first week back! Our highlight was our fruit tasting for our DT unit: Smoothies! We sampled 12 different fruits that can go into smoothies and described how they tasted, smelt, looked and felt using our senses. 

Spring 1: Week 6

We've had a very creative final week of the half term! We completed and recorded our Music Creative Project and completed our Final Destinations in Art, which were a great improvement on our Testing Out.  We were also working hard on our multiplication and division, understanding the concepts of grouping and sharing. 

Spring 1: Week 5

This week was Knowledge Day!  We had a fantastic time recapping our foundation subject knowledge from this year so far.  We did some research to build on our Geography knowledge, completed a Science investigation, using data for form our conclusions as well as recapping our RE learning from the Autumn term. We enjoyed showing what we know in different, creative ways. 

Spring 1: Week 4

This week, we were Testing Out our clay skills in Art. We had lots of reflections about how hard we need to score with our tools, how thick our clay needs to be to model effecitvely and many more. We are looking forward to seeing the improvements when we complete our Final Destinations! 

Spring 1: Week 3

This week, we have been using lots of resources to identify the properties of different shapes. We were working hard to find the faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes and then applied our knowledge to solve problems! In Art, we have been designing our Tudor House models, thinking about the patterns we could see in our Taking In. 

Spring 1: Week 2

It's been a very creative week in Year 2!  We've started our create units in Music about Fire and we had a concert from Front Row Music, which we absolutely loved have a dance to!  In Maths, we've been learning about lines of symmetry and identifying the features of different shapes. 

Spring 1: Week 1

Welcome to 2025! We've had a brlliant first week back.  The children have been developing their shape knowledge and we used geoboards as an introduction to drawing shapes. In English, we have started to work towards writing a diary as if we were alive at the time of the Great Fire of London. We did some drama to act out what it would've felt like if we were there. 

Autumn 2: Week 7

We simply cannot believe the Autumn term is over, already! We've had a brilliant week of learning, the highlight being finishing our toy cars, with a focus on wheels and axels in DT, the children worked hard to keep to their designs and more importantly, the cars work too. We also really enjoyed showing off our Christmas jumpers and having Christmas dinner together as a class.

Autumn 2: Week 6

This week was our first Knowledge Day of the year!  The children had a great time revisiting our prior learning in the wider curriculum. They completed lots of different activities from Science experiments, to more detailed editing from Photography, Drama to act out Bible Stories learnt in RE and many more! 

Autumn 2: Week 5

This week was Takeover Day and Aspirations Day!  We were taught by our very well prepared Year 6s this morning and then we met two of our parents, one a police officer and another a shoe designer who told us all about their jobs and delivered some brilliant activities! 

Autumn 2: Week 4

This week, we experienced Philosophy Day.  We had a whole school enquiry to debate and discuss, followed by in-class questions and we even joined Year 1 for a Key Stage enquiry.  The children were brilliant at thinking deeply, being respectful of others' views and were great Effective Participators! 


Autumn 2: Week 2

Our highlight of the week was outdoor learning!  We were investigating the microhabitats on our school grounds and using our maths knowledge to create tables and charts, detailing the living things that we found! 


Autumn 2: Week 1

It's been a very exciting first week back! On Monday, we got to experience Wonderdome, where we had a space experience and looked at the size of of the planets in our solar system, we were fascinated! On Tuesday, we welcomed our African Drumming Workshop back into school and we were delighted to be practicing our music skills from last half term: rhythm and tempo. 

Autumn 1: Week 7

Every Year 2 child would probably have the same highlight this week: Science. We finished our materials unit by investigating the suitability of materials, to help two of our Talk Through Stories characters be reunited by crossing the river! The children had some brilliant reasoning behind their choice of material and made accurate, detailed predictions and conclusions. What great engineers they were! 

Autumn 1: Week 6

We had a brilliant time on our History visit to Quarry Bank Mill! We retrieved our knowledge about the lives of children in the past and even got to spend part of our day in the life of a child working in the factory! The staff at QBM were really impressed with the children's knowledge and they did our school proud! 

Autumn 1: Week 5

It's been a great week in Year 2!  We have been continuting our use of concrete resources in maths, doing some drama based around the book of Matthew. In computing, the children are doing a fantastic job at identifying what makes a good photo. We are really looking forward to our visit to Quarry Bank next week! 

Autumn 1: Week 4

We've had another busy week in Year 2! We've been using concrete resources to count in 2s and 5s in Maths, been playing glockenspiels with a focus on rhythm in music and we were very impressed when a member of our class brought a book in all about Oldham's cotton mills!  We used this as a secondary source in History and look forward to using it as a stimulus for our Artwork too. 

Autumn 1: Week 3

One of our highlights this week was beginning to understand the concepts of attacking and defending in PE.  We played a new game and worked hard on our throwing and catching skills, communication and tactics to score points! We have also completed some outdoor learning, all about the suitability of materials in Science and also went outdoors for computing this week, when learning about the difference between taking photos landscape and portrait - here are some of our photos! 

Autumn 1: Week 2

We have been so impressed with how Year 2 have settled into our new academic year.  We have started our first writing journey, alternative fairytales, by exploring a range of texts from our class library.  The children really enjoyed reading these different versions of the tales they learnt and wrote about last year. 

Autumn 1: Week 1

We have had a fantastic first couple of days in Year 2.  The children are enjoying their newly renovated classroom and have even had their first go at the new orienteering course installed around school! We have also started our 'Mastering Number' and the chlidren have been using rekenreks to work with number bonds to 20. Keep looking at our class blog regularly for updates! 

St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300