St Anne's

Welcome to Year 4! We are so excited to share our learning journey with you!

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Wednesday 12th February 2025

This half term, we have been learning about collaboration as part of our TPQL pupil leadership. The children have been learning about why it is important that leaders collaborate and work with a range of people. In today's session, the children had to put their team work skills to the test, by ordering themselves from the youngest to the oldest...without verbally communicating with each other!

Monday 10th February 2025

In today's history lesson, we have been learning about the roles of men and women in Mayan society. After listing the different roles, we then decided to use our findings as a P4C stimulus. The children discussed their thoughts on the roles of men and women during the Mayan era and made super comparisons to modern day. 

Friday 7th February 2025

Year 4 really enjoyed testing out charcoal in today's lesson. We learned about different techniques, such as blending and smudging, and the children worked very hard to develop their understanding and skill when drawing 3D images. 

Thursday 6th February 2025

In today's science lesson, we have been using a range of musical instruments so that we can better understand which part vibrates to make a sound. We also worked together to discover how the pitch can be changed so that the sound is higher and lower. 

Wednesday 5th February 2025

In our computing lesson today, we have been using different codes and algorithms to draw different letters on Turtle Academy. By persevering and collaborating with others, we were able to draw our letter names and explain how we used FD, BK, L and R to control the turtle!

Thursday 30th January 2025

In music today, the children have been listening to and appraising different pieces of music. The children then worked in groups, using their facial expressions and body language to show how the music made them feel and move. 

Tuesday 28th January 2025

Year 4 had great fun play snakes and ladders when consolidating their understanding of multiplying 2 and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The children showed great team work and everyone worked hard as an effective participant!

Friday 24th January 2025

Year 4 have been working very hard in Art this morning. In today's lesson, we have been taking in different Mayan temples and learning all about charcoal!

Monday 20th January 2025

In today's Spanish lesson, we have been finding different Spanish speaking countries in the atlas and using Google Earth to look more closely at what the different countries look like. We will be choosing a country to create a fact file about in Spanish soon!

Tuesday 14th January 2025

Today, we have been learning about different Spanish speaking countries and how to ask each other which country we live in. See our videos to watch our hard work!

Thursday 9th January 2025

This afternoon, Year 4 had a wonderful time in their first OSD session of 2025! Today, the children have been been using equipments and their body parts to make structures in gymnastics! Great team work everyone!

Tuesday 7th January 2025

This morning, Year 4 have started their new unit in RE, all about Islam and special festivals that Muslims celebrate! In today's lesson, the children have been working together to look at a range of sources so that they can develop their understanding of what Islam is and what is special to Muslims. 

Thursday 19th December 2024

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from Year 4's Christmas party this morning! We had lots of fun dancing, drafting and playing party games! We even had Mr Rooney and Mr Learmont join us in the hall for our games!

Wednesday 18th December 2024

This morning, Year 4 have been making delicious toasties as part of their D&T project! The children have chosen from a range of ingredients and have made toasties that include of the the food groups to make a balanced meal! Bon appetit!

Friday 13th December 2024

Last week, we conducted an experiment by leaving egg shells in different sugary drinks to see the effects of sugar on teeth. Today, we took the egg shells out of the drinks to see if they had changed colour and if they were damaged. The children were very suprised to see the effects that Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, orange juice and milk had had on the egg shells!

Thursday 12th December 2024

Knowledge Day! Year 4 had a great time reflecting on their learning from Autumn 1 and presenting their learning in different ways!

Tuesday 10th December 2024

Year 4 have been workig hard as team workers and effective participators in English this morning! We have been looking at different types of letters and identifying the RAFT!

Friday 6th December 2024

This afternoon, we went to St Anne's Church to attend the Christingle service. We had a great time and enjoyed learning all about the meaning of the Christingle. Well done to the children in Year 4 who read their wonderful Christingle poems to the whole school!

Wednesday 4th December 2024

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, 
How lovely are thy branches!

Today, Year 4 added their wonderful Christmas decorations to the school's Christmas tree. We had mini wreaths using pipe cleaners, beads and just a little glitter!

Friday 22nd November 2024

Year 4 had an amazing day with their new teachers! Thank you very much to our wonderful Year 6 team for planning and delivering an exciting English lesson on editing and an outstanding Art/Geography lesson on shading!

Thursday 21st November 2024

Today, we celebrated Philosophy Day as a school! This morning, the children enjoyed watching the stimulus 'Unstoppable' and then worked together to generate concepts and an inquiry question. We then shared our P4C inquiry with Year 4 and discussed the question "Are we born confident or do we develop confidence as we get older". Fantastic work everyone!

Tuesday 19th November 2024

Super problem solving going on in Year 4 this morning! Lots of collaborative learning and reflective learning on addition and subtraction using regrouping and exchanging!

Friday 15th November 2024

Absolutely outstanding from our Health Champions! This week, our Health Champions have attended their first training session in Oldham and worked with other children across Oldham to develop their understanding of healthy minds and healthy bodies. Well done, everyone at St Anne's is incredibly proud of you! 

Wednesday 13th November 2024

This afternoon, we had some very special guests join us for our PSHE lesson. Our guests were talking to the children about what it was like for them when they were children and what changes they have experienced. The children were very surprised to learn about what school was like when are guests were children!

Monday 11th September 2024

Today, we have been learning all about diary entries! During our English lesson, we have been reading different diaries to see if we can spot any similarities or differences. We are very excited to start our writing cycle and write our own diary entries as the incredible book eating boy!

Friday 8th November 2024

We have been very busy bees in our planter this morning! We have been working together as a team to tidy our planter and playgrounds. We enjoyed using the tools and taking pride in our outdoor learning areas! Watch this space for pictures of us planting seeds in the Spring!

Tuesday 5th November 2024

Another fantastic opportunity for Year 4 this morning! We had an incredible time participating in the African Drumming session and enjoyed using tradition African drums! We especially enjoyed taking it in turns to showcase our drumming abilities and listen to traditional African songs!

Monday 4th November 2024

What a fantastic morning we have had in the Wonderdom! Year 4 had a great time learning all about space and different planets and really enjoyed the experience of watching the planets whizz by on the Wonderdom ceiling! 

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Friday 25th October 2024

Make the Rules! Today, Year 4 decided that they wanted to come to school in their PJs and build blanket forts! We had a great time working with our table groups and then competing in a class quiz!

Thursday 24th October 2024

We've had an absolutely fantastic afternoon competing in the St Anne's Olympic games! Throughout the half term, we have been working hard to develop our understanding of different running events and throwing events. We especially enjoyed learning about javelin and hurdles!

Monday 21st October 2024

Today, we have started our final destination for our Greek Olympic statues! We have been working hard using clay and a range of tools, as well as using our hands to mold and manipulate the clay!

Tuesday 15th October 2024

This afternoon, we have been developing our problem solving skills and using the ladder to success to think of steps for solving problems. As a class, we decided that the best way to solve a problem was to: calm down, identify the problem, think of different ways to solve the problem and then pick the best way to solve the problem. We then shared examples and worked together as a team to help each other!

Thursday 10th October 2024

For our English lesson today, we have been collaborating and working as team workers to identify key features of a recount. We worked very hard this morning to find different features such as: time conjunctions, past tense verbs and descriptive language!

Wednesday 9th October 2024

In Re, we have been learning about the Good News of Jesus and learning about different parables that teach us about how Jesus taught his followers to be good people and help others. Today, we have been learning about 'The Good Samaritan' and discussing how we should treat others with respect!

Friday 4th October 2024

Lots of outdoor learning this morning during our maths lesson! Today, we have been learning all about roman numerals and how to read and write them. We really enjoyed using enrich orienteering during our scavenger hunt and using chalk to practise writing roman numerals!

Thursday 3rd October 2024

This afternoon, we were very grateful that Mrs Waters brought in her husbands sprinting trainers and medals from his athletic competitions! We found it very interesting and loved trying on the medals and shirts!

We also enjoyed learning how to jump hurdles and participating in different races. Great team work and encouragement from all of the children! 

Tuesday 1st October 2024

Year 4 had great fun exploring electrical circuits in Science this afternoon! The children worked very hard in their groups to independently explorer cells, cell holders, wires, bulbs and bulb holders. They also explored complete and incomplete circuits, explaining why the bulb was lit or not lit!

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Proud moment in Year 4 this morning! We have been working hard to consolidate our understanding of times tables up to 12 x 12. What a fantastic independent enquirer!

Friday 20th September 2024

This morning, Year 4 participated in the School Council and Eco Council General Election! During the week, candidates from Year 4 read their manifestos to their classmates, explaining why they should be chosen to represent their year groups in the councils. On Friday, the children were invited to St Anne's Polling Station to vote for their choices using ballot sheets!

Wednesday 18th September 2024

In Art, we have started to test out the different wires that we will be using to create our Olympic figures. Today, we focused on the shape and dimensions of the body, as well as reflecting on how we can shape and mold the different wires. 

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Today, we have been learning all about networks in Computing and how different routers and networks can be linked together when sharing information! We then worked together to send messages to other routers!

Friday 13th September 2024

Can you guess the Olympic sport that the children are holding in place? In art this half term, we are going to be making our own Olympic figures using wire and paper mache. For our testing out, we have been looking at how the body moves and how we would use our arms and legs when playing different sports!

Thursday 12th September 2024

This afternoon, we have been learning all about the story of Icarus in English! We listened to the story and then worked in small groups to act out the key parts! Well done, everyone!

Wednesday 11th September 2024

Unfortunately, the rain meant we had to stay indoors for our maths lesson. Never mind, we start had a great time learning about 4-digit numbers and using place value grids!

Friday 6th September 2024

Today, we have been investigating the new enrich orienteering markers in our playground. We had great fun using our map skills and problem solving to reveal the Year 3/4 common exception words!

Thursday 5th September 2024

This morning, we have started our new History topic... THE GREEKS! We have been working in small groups and using the Chromebooks to find out fantastic facts about the achievements of the Ancient Greek people!

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St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS

0161 770 7300