Year 6 Spring 2 Newsletter
World Book Day!
Today, for World Book Day, the children were asked to design the book cover for the book they want to read (the best book never written). They then brought their book covers into school and dressed up as one of the characters from their book. We then spent the day writing a blurb for their book and beginning the first chapter. Amazing job Year 6!
Today, we travelled to the Bridgewater Hall to watch the Hallé Orchestra perform. The children really enjoyed having the opportunitity to not only watch, but participate with some of the music the Hallé were performing. What a great experience!
Today, some our our Year 6 children were joined by St Chad's and St George's to compete in The Phizzy Olympics, where they had to complete different scientific based activities. They all had a great time and enjoyed participating in the event with other schools.
Today, the children took part in a science experiment to investigate how changing the distance between the torch and the object changes the size of the shadow. The children had to make predictions and use the data and their findings to explain what they found out and what their results showed.
Today, Year 6 were extremely lucky to have a visitor in class to enhance our WW2 History topic. Michael Thame is an author, who has dedicated his writing to his Grandfathers experiences in the war. Michael came in to read chapters from some of his books to the children to support their understanding of what people went through at this time. The children really enjoyed listening to the stories and interacting with different WW2 artefacts and having the opportunity to ask different questions relating to our WW2 topic.
Today, some of our Year 6 children took part in an exciting and educational opportunity—a Mock Trial at Tameside Magistrates Court. This was part of a competition with five local heats across Greater Manchester, where schools from neighbouring boroughs competed for a place in the final. This was an incredible opportunity for the children to develop public speaking skills, learn about the legal system and engage with a real-world topic. Well done, you represented did an amazing job representing our school!
Front Row Music!
What a start to the morning! Today we had a live gig to kick off our day. It gave the children a fun, interactive music experience, where they could sing along and dance to their favourite songs.
Today, in our English lesson, we used role play and freeze frames to show the feelings and emotions that evacuees in WW2 would have gone through throughout their evacuation journey. The children will be using this lesson to support them in writing a prequel to Goodnight Mister Tom, where they will be thinking about the journey that Willie went on, before arriving in the countryside.
Year 6 Spring 1 Newsletter
Today, during Knowledge Day, the Year 6 children reflected on their learning from last half-term and completed a variety of different activities to try to remember and retrieve their learning and understanding of our Science, History, Computing and RE topics from Autumn 1. The children enjoyed using Podcasts, Drama, Online Presentations and creating Posters to show what they have retained!
Installation of our Child Bishops!
Our Year 6 Child Bishops, Allie and Erin, were formally 'installed' today, in our school Collective Worship. Thank you to Bishop Mark for making this such a special occasion.
Today, in our Science lesson, the children completed a practical investigation to answer the enquiry question: Is yeast a living microorganism?
What an amazing day Year 6 have had! This morning they all took on the roles of the different members of staff at St Anne's, firstly leading and presenting certificates in Celebration Assembly and then teaching and supporting the children in the different Year Groups. We also had children taking on the roles of Caretakers, Catering staff, Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. You all did an amazing job! We then finished our day with different parents coming in to speak to us about their different job roles, which the children loved and thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to ask questions about the different professions! Thank you to all of the parents who gave up their time to do this!
We have had an extremely busy start to Autumn 2 this week! Firstly, on Monday, Year 6 enjoyed a session in the Wonder Dome, where they recapped their Space learning from Year 5 and were able to ask different questions about Space, then on Tuesday we were very excited to participate in an African Drumming session. On Wednesday, some Year 6 children then attended our Staff Meeting about reading fluency, which they were then able to put into practise on Thursday during their paired reading time with Year 4. On Friday, we then had some time gardening, tidying the grounds and our planters in the Peace Garden! What a fun-filled, busy week!
Year 6 Autumn 2 Newsletter
This morning, Year 6 led a whole class assembly all about Rosa Parks. They used role play, poems and prayers to tell the extraordinary story of Rosa Parks and share the impact she has had on our world today with the rest of the school. Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed putting this together and focussing on the importance of Black History Month.
Science- Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Videos
Today, Year 6 used their learning from our Science Lesson to create educational videos/adverts all about exercise and why it is so important to stay healthy.
Today, Year 6 visiting the school balloting station to vote for they wanted to be appointed as the new School and Eco Council members.
Today, Year 6 used our newly installed Orienteering course to support them in their spellings and maths learning.
Today in English, Year 6 used the outdoors and a virtual setting to try to put themselves within an Anglo-Saxon scene. The children came up with lots of excellent vocabulary, which will support them in their writing next week.
First Day of Year 6!
Year 6 Autumn 1 Newsletter
St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS
0161 770 7300