Year 5
Hi everyone,
Please find our link to the class newsletter below:
Mr Casey
Today we held our Take over day with Year 6. The children were challenged by Mr Robinson and Miss Read in the morning, before receiving visits from 3 adults in the afternoon and recording a potential career they may wish to pursue in the future. Enjoy the pics below. A big thank you goes to the adults involved!
Remembrance Day Service. Below are images from the service held today in commemoration of the fallen soldiers and those currently serving around the world today. We will Remember
Below are images from our school grounds tidy up morning. They children were stars in completing the jobs to help improve our outside areas. Lots of team work was great to be seen in working together to make big difference! Well done everyone! Super effort
Thursday night saw the class wonder around Dovestones Reservoir in the dark-star gazing! We met Andy Sieroslowski from Todmorden Community Observatory. Thanks to everyone that joined us!
If you ever want to visit the observatory then it’s free so just get in touch and pop along.
African drumming came next on Tuesday. Always fun and enjoyable the children had blast beating the rhythms and tunes of Africa! Thanks to Mr Learmont for arranging this one and again our great PTA for providing the funding too!
We began the week with a visit from the Wonderdome. Thanks go to our PTA for a brilliant activity to launch our new topic Space. Enjoy the pics
Please find the link to our class newsletter for Autumn 2 below.
Thank you
Mr Casey
Below is an image from our recent class worship all about Kofi Annan. The children completed lots of research themselves and learnt about a person of the world that served many others, providing human rights opportunities to others.
Below, images from our recent Science investigation - all about parachutes and air resistance. We discussed how all forces are in a battle. in this one, gravity wins - while the parachute drops, but up thrust (Air resistance slows down gravities pull) eventually equals gravity as it lands on the ground. Children investigated a range of ideas from parachute size, shape, number of string and material condition.
We have used the new Orienteering course in school 4- 5 times already. We have used it for Science, - Friction, Maths - Place Value and Square numbers. Before we did those activities though -we had to spend time finding all the controls! Thanks to the PTA for the investment.
Below, in PSHCE we have investigated the importance of First Aid, the importance of using a good sleeping pattern and friendships - including online and offline secrets.
Below, we began this year looking at CPR. This went from the moment you find an issue and complete a site safety survey, to seeing is person is still breathing and placing them in the "Safe position" and then concluded with CPR - assisting a person's heart to move blood around the body. As always, I hope they never need to use it, but if they do they can help. Well done year 5!
Welcome to the new year. Thank you to those able to attend the Meet the Teacher meeting earlier this week.
Below you can find a link for our Newsletter for Autumn One.
This will share our class based learning for this half term.
Mr Casey
St Anne's C of E Lydgate Primary School, Cedar Lane, Grasscroft, Saddleworth, OL4 4DS
0161 770 7300